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Asiakirjat ovat keskeisiä organisaation toiminnalle. Niihin kertyy tietoa, niillä jaetaan tietoa. Niitä luodaan, kopioidaan, skannataan, editoidaan. Niitä tallennetaan, etsitään, lähetetään, vastaanotetaan, tulostetaan. Asiakirjoilla luodaan mielikuvia. Iso osa tietotyöläisen työajasta kuluu asiakirjojen kanssa, tunteja päivässä.

Tavassa käsitellä asiakirjoja näkyy myös tekijänsä kädenjälki. Sekä hyvässä että pahassa. Laadukkaat asiakirjat tuovat organisaatiolle kilpailuetua. Huolimaton suhtautuminen altistaa organisaation turhille riskeille.

Document Housen missio on tuoda älyä asiakirjoihin sen elinkaaren eri vaiheissa. 

Ota yhteyttä alla olevalla lomakkeella, niin käydään teidän tilannetta läpi. 

ps. erityisen tärkeätä on varmistaa, että asiakirjan elinkaari lähtee heti alusta alkaen oikealle polulle - myöhemmässä vaiheessa alun virheitä on vaikea korjata.

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Grow your business, Partner with Kameleon

Join the Solutions Partner Program and get all the software, expert support, and resources you’ll need to become the partner your clients can’t live without.

A 100 person team of knowledge workers uses up to 20000 hours working with documents costing over 600.000 euros  annually. With Kameleon you can do it with less & better


Become even more valuable partner to your customers!

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Kameleon Advantage


Document management typically focuses on organizing and storing documents AFTER they are created. Kameleon automates the active creation of documents as part of current core business processes, improving efficiency, consistency, quality and profitability.


An organization can have hundreds, if not thousands of templates. Their purpose is to standardize company info & branding and save time, even automate some tasks.

To spec, create, maintain, automate, and distribute templates can be a pain. In addition, employees usually find it difficult to make use of them, asking for the latest from a colleague being the “best practice”. Borrowed content is a risky strategy and needs a better process. Without a systematic approach document contents become liability, as content is in constant change.


What we would like to propose to you is that you would systemize your customers’ documents, provide the process and related ongoing services by becoming Kameleon Solution Provider Partner. Kameleon is an easy to use platform to spec, create, automate, distribute and use Office Templates that save time, improve accuracy and increase efficiency while help standardize company info & branding. 

Kameleon integrates seamlesly to Microsoft 365, is fast to deploy and fast to learn.


Are we a good fit?


The Solutions Partner Program is designed for customer-centric agencies, service providers, and other sellers that want to learn, grow their business, and use the best technology. It’s a good fit if your business:

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Your business provides hands-on services in marketing: brand material, create content, manage your customers' web presence. 

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Your business provides tech implementation services related to Microsoft Teams or Sharepoint. You help your customers manage document life cycle, automate document creation & related workflows.

Select the Right Parnership for You

Solutions Referral Package



Interested in using Kameleon for your clients and earning commission, but not yet ready to commit to being a partner

Start by becoming a solutions referral partner. It’s an easy way to see what a partnership with us could do for your business

  • 30% revenue share (1st year commission).

  • Optionally all hourly work you do to your customers is your revenue

  • Enablement resources to help you learn Kameleon and price and package your services

  • Kameleon Solutions Directory listing with provider badge

  • Access to training & certification

Available NOW!

Solutions Partner Package



Interested in using Kameleon to onboard and deliver powerful solutions to your clients?

Become a solutions partner and unlock the benefits that come with a deeper partnership with Kameleon and your clients

  • 30% revenue share (lifetime commission)
  • Waive onboarding fees for your clients (up to €1980 value per client)
  • All hourly work you do to your customers is your revenue
  • Dedicated account manager to work with you on growth
  • Dedicated product strategy & implementation support
  • Access to partner-level certifications and credentials
  • Kameleon Solutions Directory listing with partner badge and greater visibility in search results
  • Chance to earn additional benefits as your business grows through the program

We would love to hear from you!


Don't hesitate to contact us. It may be a start of a great partnership. 


Please fill out the form below and
we will contact you shortly.


If you prefer to call us, dial

+358 40 500 6632 / Jarkko
+358 40 540 6545 / Kimmo